About Us

Who we are & how we can help

Whether you have an ongoing problem or would just like a spinal check-up, come by and see us.

Dr Jonathan Harper

Dr Jonathan Harper graduated from Macquarie University with a Masters in Chiropractic in 1997.

Jonathan is a firm believer in holistic therapy and helping your body heal itself. As your chosen practitioner, Jonathan will look at all factors surrounding any spine-related problems you may have.

Jonathan Harper is a certified Thompson practitioner and has completed extracurricular coursework in orthotic production and foot analysis.

Back Pain

Back pain, particularly lower back pain, is one of the most common reasons people seek out chiropractic treatment. Sometimes back pain can be a result of an injury, however, it is often caused by poor posture, incorrect lifting and bending, sitting for long periods, particularly at a computer and sleeping in the wrong position. 

Forward head posture is also often a cause of back pain. Back pain is caused by subluxations of the spine. This means that one or more vertebrae are out of alignment and may be creating pressure on or irritation of the nerves of the spine. 

Gentle, non-painful manipulations and adjustments may assist in bringing the vertebrae to their correct positions.

Neck Pain

Neck pain is another common complaint that our chiropractors regularly treat. Like back pain, neck pain is often caused by poor posture, incorrect lifting and bending, sitting for long periods, particularly at a computer and sleeping in the wrong position. Forward head posture is also often a cause of neck pain. Neck pain is caused by subluxations in the vertebra of the neck. This means that one or more vertebrae are out of alignment and may be creating pressure on or irritation of the nerves. Gentle, non-painful manipulations and adjustments may assist in bringing the vertebrae to their correct positions.

Back Pain

A pinched nerve is a very painful symptom. Pinched nerves occur when too much pressure is applied to a nerve by surrounding tissues — such as bones, cartilage, muscles or tendons. Disruption of nerve function has many symptoms. This includes numbness, tingling, burning, shooting pain, and weakness. Pinched nerve treatment is on the basis of treating the anomaly, this may include a spinal manipulative therapy, commonly called adjustments, soft tissue therapy, decompressive therapy, such as traction, exercise rehabilitation and appraisal of workplace ergonomics, communication with other therapists.

Slipped Disc

When dealing with a slipped disc chiropractors must identify the severity of the disk injury. Once the chiropractor has identified it is safe to adjust the patient with the disk injury, then the chiropractor may use any of the therapies listed in the ‘Back Pain’, ‘Neck Pain’ and ‘Pinched Nerve’ tabs. It is up to the judgement of the chiropractor to identify which treatments will provide the best results.

Contact Us:

(02) 9389-8339